ago football Edit

Official visit 'refresher' for Faulk

Visiting Auburn never gets old for Jakaleb Faulk.

He's done it countless times before committing to Auburn and countless times as a commit.

The four-star linebacker was back on campus over the weekend for his official visit, and although he's already seen practically everything on campus, it was still an enjoyable time.

"It was great, I ain’t gonna lie," Faulk said. "It was a lot of fun with some of the players and it was great to meet DJ Barber. He's a great dude to be honest."

Jakaleb Faulk officially visited Auburn over the weekend.
Jakaleb Faulk officially visited Auburn over the weekend. (Caleb Jones |

Barber, who's entering this season as a true freshman, served as Faulk's player host for the visit. Faulk enjoyed getting to know Barber and his story, while also seeing some other familiar faces.

"It was just a refresher," Faulk said. "I’ve seen everything pretty much. It was just to get back and see everybody’s faces. Just try to get to know everything a little better and try and figure out stuff about my major."

While Faulk did note that hanging out with the players was a highlight of the visit, his favorite part was learning about his major.

"I need to learn what I’m gonna do once I get here, so I need to figure out the education part," Faulk said. "I’m thinking about majoring in culinary arts."

Since Faulk is looking at majoring in culinary arts, it only made since for him to see a part of Auburn he'd never seen before — the Culinary Science Center.

"It was pretty nice, I’m not gonna lie," Faulk said. "I’ve never been in there before, I’ve never seen it. I didn’t know they had cafes and restaurants in there, it’s pretty cool."

On the football side of things, Auburn landed a commitment from an official visitor, Eric Winters, over the weekend. It's another step in the right direction for the program and Faulk is here to help build it.

"I’ve got to try and build up the team so we can get back to what Auburn used to be," Faulk said.

Auburn is recruiting Faulk, who's the younger brother of current Auburn defensive end Keldric Faulk, to play inside linebacker. He's a big fan of DJ Durkin and the defense that he brings to the table.

"The defense, that’s a real good fit," Faulk said. "I love the way Coach Durkin coaches and I love the way he’ll play freshmen if he has to, it’s real cool."

Faulk will officially visit Alabama next weekend to go see former Auburn linebackers coach Christian Robinson, who now has the same role at Alabama.
