football Edit

Auburn drawing interest from 2024 tight end

Auburn offered 2024 tight end Dillon Hipp Thursday.

The offer didn't come as a shock to him, Hipp felt that it was on its way.

"I kinda saw it coming because the tight ends coach, Coach [Ben Aigamaua], he was talking to me for quite some time," Hipp said. "It was definitely a great offer because [Auburn]'s in the SEC obviously and they have a history of winning. It was great, I was really happy."

Dillon Hipp was offered by Auburn Thursday.
Dillon Hipp was offered by Auburn Thursday.

Hipp is from Scottsdale, Ariz., and Aigamaua has been consistently taking with the No. 8 player in the state.

"I have a lot of respect for him," Hipp said of Aigamaua. "He definitely has the best interest of the player and he likes to connect with the player on a personal level. That’s really what I’ve noticed first off from him, which I really like."

Auburn isn't the first SEC school to express interest in Hipp. Vanderbilt and Tennessee have both offered, and Tennessee hosted him on a visit. It was his first time on the East coast, but he's already starting to figure out what he likes.

"I’m still learning a little bit about that area, but the SEC is a conference I’m really interested in for sure," Hipp said. "That’s kinda where I want to be, the SEC or the Big 10."

January is booked with visits to Oregon, Oregon State and Baylor for Hipp, but a trip to Auburn could be in store for the spring.

"It would be somewhere I’m interested in, just based off of the interest they’ve shown in me," Hipp said.

Once Auburn offered, the Tigers immediately joined Hipp's list of top schools. Washington, Baylor, Tennessee, Arizona State, Louisville and Wisconsin are sticking out to him as well.

"I’m looking to commit probably around late June," Hipp said. "But if something pops up earlier than that and it feels right, I’ll definitely consider making a decision before then."
