Published May 20, 2019
After visit, Auburn 'scary high' on OT Javion Cohen's list
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Jeffrey Lee  •  AuburnSports
Senior Editor

AUBURN | Central-Phenix City offensive tackle Javion Cohen spent Monday afternoon in Auburn. It wasn’t a lengthy visit, but it was productive nonetheless.

“The visit was great,” Cohen said. “I did exactly what I wanted to do and it left Auburn in a good place. I planned an official with them (May 31-June 2) and I talked ball with the coaches. I also talked real life situations and things that are important to me as a prospect.”


Cohen spent time with offensive line coach J.B. Grimes. The two have developed a strong bond during the recruiting process.

“It's one of the best relationships I have with a coach personally,” Cohen said of Grimes. “He has wanted me since I've walked in the door and that will never be forgotten.”

Cohen said Auburn continues to move up his list of favorites, especially after Monday’s visit.

“Auburn gained ground today for sure,” Cohen said. “(Auburn is) scary high. They made a major jump today.”

As for a commitment, Cohen plans to wait until later summer or early fall.

“Just some time early in my season,” he said.

Cohen already has taken an official visit to South Carolina. He has one set to Florida June 14-16.

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