Published Jan 25, 2023
2024 safety 'hopeful' for Auburn offer after visit
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Caleb Jones  •  AuburnSports

Jakob Gude feels that his recruitment is just getting started.

The 2024 safety was in Auburn for an unofficial visit last weekend, and while he doesn't have an offer just yet, feels that a recent move could help him get there.

Gude is transferring to Langston Hughes High in Fairburn, Ga., for next season.

"I’m not gonna say that’s what I needed, but it’s most definitely a big help with them having a big name and just me showing what I have," Gude said.


Gude has offers from Akron, UConn, Georgia Tech, Indiana and Middle Tennessee. When it comes to Auburn, it's a program he's striving to be offered by.

"I’m pretty invested in Auburn, it’s actually somewhere I’d like to come," Gude said. "Just waiting on the offer."

Once Gude starts hitting camps in the spring and summer, he feels that the offers will start rolling in with more consistency.

"[Auburn] wants to see me more in spring," Gude said. "At Sandy Creek, they said they see I’m physical and they see a little. They just want to see me more in coverage, because I was at outside linebacker and nickel. They want to see me safety. I know I have it, it’s just a waiting game. Hopefully get the offer."

Last weekend was his fourth time in Auburn and credits a lot of his interest to secondary coach Zac Etheridge.

"He’s a cool guy," Gude said. "I actually came up to the camp over the summer and that’s when I first met him."

Another reason? The direction he feels that Auburn is heading in.

"It was actually very big, coming and seeing the facility and all the new technology," Gude said. "How much they actually care about you and care about your performance. I’m actually loving it, it was pretty big coming down here."