Published Jun 1, 2015
BCW Quotes: 4-stars
Jeffrey Lee Senior Editor
AUBURN | Auburn on Saturday hosted two of its top targets on offense, four-star running back Elijah Holyfield and four-star receiver Kyle Davis, as well as a top defensive line target, four-star tackle Michail Carter.
Here is what the two had to say about their day at Big Cat...
Lawrenceville, Ga. (Archer)
On visiting for Big Cat…
"It was pretty fun. I like coming here. They always show me a lot of love. We had a lot more activities to do than just touring the facilities. It was a lot more fun, a lot more active. I got to build relationships with my team members."
What coaches did you spend the most time with…
"Coach (Dameyune) Craig. I was on his team, but it wasn't much about recruiting. We just had fun."
Where Auburn stands…
"I don't know. Everything is up in the air, but I like them. They run the same offense as us so that's always good. I'll be back, but I don't know when."
College Park, Ga. (Woodward)
On visiting for Big Cat…
"It went good. I had a good time. We got to do a lot of fun stuff, so it was really fun. We got here in the morning and did all of the festivities, had a good time.
"The cake eating contest was kind of nasty, but it was all fun. We all had a good time.
"I have been here before so I kind of knew how the coaches are, but it was fun seeing everybody again."
Where Auburn stands…
"I'm going to visit Alabama (on Sunday) and Georgia next Saturday. I'll also visit Tennessee, Oregon and USC.
I still have a lot of schools that I want to see. I'm still letting everything play out."
Jackson, Ga. (Jackson)
On visiting for Big Cat…
"It was great. It was fantastic. It was my first time down here being on a real visit, I came down before for a game, and sitting down with the coaches and getting a feel for Coach Will Muschamp was a great experience overall."
On Rodney Garner...
"Just his personality, he's real down to earth. He doesn't feed you dreams. He's very truthful."
Big Cat different?
"It was more of a family relations type. It wasn't a business. You see the coaches with their families. It was just a different element."
Where Auburn stands...
"I don't really have a select group of schools right now, but Auburn is a favorite."
"After I take my officials."
Other favorites...
"Georgia, Alabama, Clemson, Georgia Tech, N.C. State. It's tons of schools."