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Auburn 'real home place' for Carrollton DB

One of the best prospects in the 2026 class, Zelus Hicks has anything but an easy recruitment.

With well over 30 offers and new ones rolling in seemingly all the time, it's made cutting down schools somewhat difficult.

"Everything is going great," Hicks said. "God is good, can’t complain. I’ve been getting some big offers that’s been pushing my commitment date back and my top 10 back, but everything’s going great."

Zelus Hicks is one of Auburn's top targets in the 2026 class.
Zelus Hicks is one of Auburn's top targets in the 2026 class. (Nick Lucero/

Among those offers and considered to be one of the favorites is Auburn, where Hicks visited multiple times last month.

"Auburn is like a real home place," Hicks said. "My family likes it, I like it, I got some of my friends that go there right now. I like Coach (Charles) Kelly, all the guys out there, they’re great at developing safeties. That’s the main thing I like about them."

Hicks holds a close relationship as Kelly, who's served as the primary recruiter for the No. 12 overall recruit in the class.

"He’s such a cool, chill guy," Hicks said. "He’s got a lot of wisdom, I know he’s got a lot of knowledge of the game. He’s been in it for so long, he’s been with many programs and for him to be at Auburn, it’s big."

Not only does Kelly serve as the safeties coach for the Tigers, but also as co-defenisve coordinator.

"That’s big, because the safeties coach being a co-defensive coordinator, the game plan could kind of be for safeties to make plays," Hicks said.

Sure, the 6-foot-3 safety can hear about Auburn from the coaching staff. Every program can build their program up, but with Auburn, Hicks gets an inside perspective. He's former high school teammates with freshman cornerback Jay Crawford.

"It’s big for that program," Hicks said. "If he tells me good things, I know he’s not gonna lie to me. When he just tells me all good things, I know that that’s the truth."

What are those things that Crawford tells him about Auburn?

"He tells me it’s a great program, he’d love to have me there and they need some safeties after his class comes out," Hicks said.

Hicks is aiming to have a decision this summer and will return to Auburn's campus July 27 for the Tigers' Big Cat Weekend.
